Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Baby

Hi all,
I don't have much time and am extremely tired, but I wanted you all to know that my aunt Adriana had her baby last night...or was it this morning...hmmmm. ok, you decide your self. These are the facts:

Noemi Ortiz was born May 27th, 2009 at 1:42 am. She weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. , and according to my cousin Adi's text, just as beautiful as her older sisters.!!! and why not include cousin in there too!! jk

She is a gorgeous baby! Well, from what I can see anyway. She was born in Albuquerque and I still haven't seen her in person. My aunt had the baby there because my aunt had a C section with her previous daughter and wanted to have this baby naturally. Las Cruces hospitals don't allow natural births to ladies who have previously had a C section.

Anyway, I would like to ask you to pray for my aunt and the baby girl. My aunt seems to be well now but caught an infection before going into labor and had a fever as a effect of that. The doctors are afriad that the baby may have caught the infection from her mom and will be checking her tomorrow (which is when they were supposed to come home). However, if the baby caught on to the infection, they will need to stay at the hospital for ...I believe six days, so that the doctors can make sure that the baby gets over that alright.
My aunt had a few struggles throughout her pregnancy but I know that God is good and brought her through them. I know that He can make things all right this time also. We would really appreciate your prayers!

And I will make it my priority to post a picture next time I blog...which by the way won't be in a while...I know, shocker right! I am such a faithful blogger...~hehe
Well anyhow, the reason why I will not be blogging soon is that... I'm going to BTI! Did you get that, no...ok, here goes again, I'm going to BTI!!! Ha, I am so excited. Its my first year and I am really looking forward to it, the only thing I am not looking forward to is fliying alone, I've never done that before...Oh, well, I'm just going to have to get over my fear!

Ok, 'tis all for tonight. Hope you are all well! Keep me in your prayers!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hi all,
I decided that I would try and post some pictures. They are older pictures but I figured something is better than nothing. So, lets see if this work....hmmmm

This one is of my mom and Erika on her wedding day.

...and then one with daddy.

Okay, lets switch gears. Here's a few from our most recent trip to Houston.

My most adorable nephew Isaac!Uncle Nathan and Isaac

My big bros happy family, ok, maybe they don't look all that happy in the pic but I think they're pretty alright!

And my sis' family

and finally, Nathan and I. I know, we look weird, which is partly why I choose to be the photographer, I am not exactly what you call photogenic.

Wow, that was a lot of work. I think I'll just use a slide show next time! Ok, lets see how this looks!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Recap of the week

Or maybe more than just a week...

Jesus, Sofia, Isaac, Erika, Hector, Amie, Nathaniel, and myself went to Houston to visit two of our aunts and their families for spring break (the week before last). The ride wasn't too bad and we had some good family time! We got back on Wednesday and relaxed for the remainder of the week. I took the boys, David and Belen 4-wheeling and the boys and I even had a sleepover at Erika's on Saturday.

I really wasn't ready to go back to school last Monday but had to none the less. And I almost got run over too! I'm just thankful I'm alive today!...This is how it happened...I went to my lab and was ready to come home when it was finished but since I had gotten there sort of late, I didn't find a parking space at the lot where I usually park so I parked across the street and was crossing the street at the four stop intersection. I was about half ways between both lanes when the car that was in front of me, waiting to turn, just went ahead and went. It passed really close to me. There was probably a foot and a half between us. You could tell that the driver was surprised to see me because I noticed the car swirving away from me. It was horrible!!!! Although I probably didn't look all that scared because I was conscious that there where cars on all three stops. I just kept walking trying to keep my "cool." I quickly got to my truck and just sat for a while, I thanked God for watching over and cautioned myself to be a careful driver and never have to put people through something like that. Thanks to some careless jerk I almost was run over or had a heart attack in the middle of the street!

Oh, I got my grades for the four exams I took on Thursday before the break. They were not the best but ok. All B's. I also got my second tax return and my spanish exam(which I took about a month ago) back, they were A's. So I'm happy. I'm not a straight A person but my grades are all right.

I was in charge of Church tonigh. I based our service on Mathew 6:33 and used the illustration that Sister Clarkson put in the Western Skies...that its one good paper, if you're not reading one you're missing out :)!...Anyways, it was a good service. I got several compliments about the illustration that I did.

Ok, I am going to close for tonight. I keep pushing my spanish homework back but I should probably take care of it now since it has been late for a while now. I am just not too fond of spanish poem reading...oh well. :)

But I do feel acomplished. I posted and even did some Western Skies advertising. I think I should get a cape with an S after all Sis Becki.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

25 things

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

Hmm, Lets see.....

1. I have an extremely hard time talking about myself (which is the reason why it took me for ever to finally do this).

2. I like watching movies but cannot watch scary movies or movies with a bad or sad ending. I can watch chick flicks, comedy, and action movies. That is, as long as the good guys win! It just can't happen otherwise!

3.I love music and wish I could play an instrument or sing, but unfortunately :(... I admire anyone who is able to play and uses their talent for God. Way to go!! More power to you!

4. I love to drive and consider myself a good drive although I've been pulled over by the police about three times.Don't worry, it wasn't even my fault a couple of those times. Oh, and I've never gotten a ticket.

5. It's common that the male will be the driver for a married couple, but I like driving so much that if and when I get married I will refuse to let my husband drive all the time. And I'll tell him straight up, if he has a problem with that he can go and find someone else to marry. ..Kidding :) , but I do love driving!

6.I love my truck!! Not only because its my dream truck ever since I was a little girl but also because its my brothers handy work.

7. I have big feet. I know, sad...the biggest in my family!

8. When I was 3 years old I fell off a moving pick up. The bed of the truck had hay and us dumb kids (my cousins and I) were playing back there when I fell off. I really can't remember if it hurt or not (although I'm sure it must have) but I start running after the truck crying cause I thought that they were going to leave me behind. It took my parents a while to realize that I was missing. They did go back for me!

9. I am a really big procrastinator (I should be doing home work right now).

10. I hate stress but it seems to love me cause I am stressed a great deal of my time.

11. I want to be a CPA. Don't ask me why cause I don't know. I just want to be one. We'll see if I can achieve my goal.

12.I enjoy photography but have been a really bad photographer lately. I really need to start taking pictures. My Nikon hasn't been handled in a while.

13. I LOVE GREEN CHILE!!! Or simply chile for that matter.

14. I am 18 years older than my youngest brother.

15. I Love the smell of the Rain

16.I cannot take rejection. I applied for an internship and was really close to being hired. Those were not good times for me! I'm over it now.

17. I try to be positive but sometimes its just really hard. I always seem to second guess myself a lot.

18. I'm scared to fail...its one of my biggest fears.

19. I like having my hair long but when it's long I always feel the need to cut it and then regret having cut it. And then I tell myself that once its long I will not cut it, but nope, there I go again. It's like a never ending cycle. How sad!

20. Woo, I am close!...hmmmmm, I used to not drink coffee cause I'd get stomach aches. I guess I got over that cause I love coffee now and am able to drink with no negative side effect. At least not instantly. We'll see what happens years down the road. However, I cannot make good coffee. I always but my coffee. I made the calculations and I would spend about $90 a month if I drank coffee every day! What a waste of money! Thankfully, I don't drink coffee every day.

21.I always worry about what people will think. I really hate that cause even if its not anything bad, I keep from doing somethings that I feel people will frown upon. I wish I would only worry about what God thinks.

22.I love my familia! They are the greatest bunch that the Lord could have blessed me with. I may not agree fully with how they do some things but am thankful to have them and wish to honor them in all I do.

23. I am blessed with many things I sometimes take for granted.

24. Most of my life has been spent in chile town, NM. Its a nice town, quiet and calm, but I'd really like to live some place else for a change! I don't want to live in a big city either. Something the size of Las Cruces would be good.

25. And finally, I love God with all of my heart! He is soooo good to me! I love The Church of God and my brothers and sister in the Lord. I love church conventions and gatherings and wish to be a faithful servant to the Lord and church. I'm not sure what my talent is but wish to do what little I can do to the best of my ability!

Yay, I made it!!!!!!!!! I conquered my fear of staying half ways! Aren't you proud of me! I am!!

hmmm, I tag any one who is willing to keep this going.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Great news!!!

Hello Blogland!

I have been keeping up with some blogs for some time now and finally decided to start one myself. My life is not always the most exciting and fun to hear about so you'll only hear from me every now and then. I love taking pictures and will do my best to share some of those with you once I learn how to put them on here. I admit it, I've been a slacker and am a shame to any person that enjoys photography, but I'll try to get up to speed!

Ok, lets move on to the GREAT news! I have plenty of things to do but figured that this was way too good to not share, so here it is.

I just got back from a wonderful youth service. Brother Luis, our youth leader, was inspired by Brother Daniel Doerfler to ask the youth to take part in our youth services by giving a message. Praise the Lord that Sister Keila was willing to be the first, and was responsible for this servise's message. She began with an activity in which all the youth was divided into three groups and scriptures regarding sin were given to the teems. They then had to find and write down the sins that they found in these scriptures. She proceeded to read the scriptures one at a time and explained to the youth what all these different sins were. Because some of our youth is very young, she went into detail and took her time explaining each one. She made it possible for us to comment on what we thought sins (such as fornication, adultery...) were and ask questions regarding this. I noticed that everyone: children, youth, and adults were all very attentive to what was going on. When she finished explaining these, she explained that any person that has such things in their lives will go to hell. She spoke about hell and shared about the research that scientists did in Siberia. Then she played the audio for the video, that you may have already heard, "The sounds of hell." She continued to say that we were all destined to go to hell due to the sin in our lives, BUT that Jesus had died in the cross and made it possible for us to escape that horrible place. She asked everyone to make their way to the altar. We all just began to pray and I could hear people weeping and asking God to forgive them and save them from that horrible place. It was wonderful! God's presence was sooo real! Once I finished praying I went to pray with Moises, Brother Olivarez's son. I was just amazed how he is the shyest person you have ever seen, and I mean literally, but tonight he was so into prayer. He was weeping and ...I just can't explain. It was wonderful!
Once every one was through praying we just worshiped God through song. Brother Ban~uelos later asked if any had been saved and...there were three saved!!! Belen, Moises, and Adrian. Adrian is a visitor who has been faithfully attending for about a month now and was saved tonight! God is just incredibly amazing! I am sure that this post can't begin to explain how wonderful this service was, you just had to be there.

I would like to ask you to pray for these that were saved, that they may be able to hold on to this salvation and keep moving forward. Also for those that are still reluctant to give their lives to the Lord. Please, if you remeber, just pray!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Probando, probando...
Uno, dos, tres!